Moving Peter’s Pattern

The time have come for the trusty Eternia server to let go of my blog. I’m giving it this new home (presumably faster and more stable), with, as you probably think too,  a more befitting name.

Now, for those of us that didn’t realize the value of services like FeedBurner when setting up a new blog, I will highlight one advantage that I wish I knew when I started out blogging. Namely that exposing my feed via FeedBurner will save my faithful subscribers from having to update their subscription when the blog will have to move.

The feed address is hereby I can promise you that this link will not change. That is, unless Google goes out of business 🙂


Technorati syndication

Technorati Profile

Technorati syndication… sounds like something out of a futuristic sci-fi crime story…but you know, its not. Technorati is a service for those who blog and those who read blogs. So in order to get my stuff over there I need to provide some info to their spiders… no, they are not real spiders. I actually thought Community Server (which is powering this site, for those unaware of it) was pushing my stuff to Technorati atomatically. But seems like I need a Technorati account for that to work… so lets try that and see how it all works out.
